Most people have taken pictures with a smartphone camera. However, we will start with a few basics to make sure we have a solid foundation. To begin with, we’ll discuss some basic features of your phone or tablet’s camera, define the term “selfie,” see how to quickly focus an image, and discuss a few phototaking reminders.
The self-portrait is nothing new. You might be surprised to learn that the first “selfie” was taken in 1839. Things have come a long way since Robert Cornelius immortalized himself in daguerreotype. Phones and tablets these days often include two cameras—have you noticed that? There is always one on the back—what you’re focused on displays on the screen. On many devices there is now a second camera on the front, or screen side. With this feature you can take a picture of yourself, and you can see what you look like on the screen at the same time.
Here are a few reminders regarding taking photos with a smartphone or tablet:
Smartphone cameras have changed many things related to our past user experiences with cameras. Perhaps most pronounced are the changes related to film. Remembering to purchase film or running out of shots, let alone keeping the film from being exposed and ruined, are things of the past. With smartphone cameras, you can take pictures to your heart’s content and review them right then and there. If you don’t like ‘em, you just delete ‘em, take a few more, and nothing is wasted—you’re not paying for film and development only to find that Grandma Patty’s eyes were closed.
There is a limit to how many pictures you can take based on how much storage is available on your phone or tablet. Our tip is to take a bunch of shots, then review them now or later to see which picture is the best, and delete what doesn’t look good.
Speaking of reviewing photos, let’s discuss where they reside once you’ve taken them. While the camera is in use, most devices show the last image in the bottom corner—just tap to open it up. Or later, view it in your device’s included photo gallery app. As you look at each picture, select the small trash can to delete the photo.